J. Daniel Abel was never comfortable with either the generalized formulas that are all too often applied to life drawing, or with the flavorless idealization that conventional classicism demands, though he was sympathetic to all of it. As a professor of life drawing he got pretty good with the formulas, and he even took a stab at classical idealization. His efforts were worthy, and as a life drawing teacher his command of George Bridgeman’s block ’n wedge technique is impressive, but none of this was his perfect fit.
Companion volume to “WILLIAM GLEN CROOKS - PEOPLE WITH NO CLOTHES ON” friend and fellow traveler, J. Daniel Abel, weighs in with his own chronological survey of life drawing and figure drawing over the course of five decades, from his college years to the present.
We see him gradually evolve his own, unique, anti-heroic take on the figure that folds classical structure into devious caricature.
Paperbound - 94 Pages - 100+ Illustrations - Color
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